Fagus grandifolia
American Beech Tree Mature Height: 60-100 ft. Soil / Climate: Likes moist soils. Very shade tolerant. Beech grows on a wide range of soil types, acid or basic. Bark is light gray and smooth. Elliptical leaves with cousely toothed margins and parallel veins. Fall colors are yellow to orange and bronze. The nuts are called beechnuts or beechmast and are edible though a bit bitter and contain a high tannin content. Beech wood makes a good firewood that will easily split and burn for hours. Beech is also used to smoke some cheeses and in part of the process in beer making. The timber can be used to build houses and log cabins and plywood. Wildlife: Nuts are a favorite food of the black duck, wood duck, turkey, ruffed grouse, bobwhite, and a variety of woodpeckers. Also raccoons, red/gray foxes, white tailed deer, rabbits, squirrels, opossums, pheasant, black bear, porcupines and man. Our trees are field grown & should not be planted in pots. Item # L-1018-AB1 Shipping Size: 18"-24"
GROWING ZONES: 4-8 / SUN EXPOSURE: Full to partial Sun
Can't Ship To: AK, CA, HI
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